The issue of the identity of Palestinian literature was discussed

2 april, 2024

At the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the “Council of Young Scientists” of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia organized a scientific seminar in accordance with the goal of sustainable development “Quality education”, teacher Aigerim Zhumadilova held a seminar on “Literature as a form of preserving Palestinian national identity".

As for the term "identity", it has many specific definitions in philosophical, psychological, sociological and cultural sciences, but, in general, can be defined as a set of individual personal and behavioral characteristics, attributes, beliefs and desires that define an individual as a member of a certain group. National identity is a concept related to a national group. It depends on various factors: the country of origin, place of residence, ethnic or religious affiliation and ideas about belonging to one's nationality.

In the first half of the twentieth century, Palestine was shaken by serious political, social and literary changes. The writers felt the need for a new type of literary works that could capture and express current historical events and circumstances, as well as in order to move towards change. Since 1920, when the first Palestinian novel "al-Waris" ("The Heir") was published, and to the present day, literature has turned into a barometer of the mood of the nation: such trends as "literature of lamentation" (1950s), "literature of resistance" (1960s years).

During the seminar, the problem of national identity in the works of prominent Palestinian writers Ziyad Haddash, Jamal al-Qawasmi and Ibtisam Azim was analyzed. Professor G. E. Nadirova and the teachers who attended the seminar showed interest in the topic and expressed their opinion.


Bokuleva B.S.

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