Criminal liability of minors

4 april, 2024

On 04/04/24, the senior inspector of the Juvenile Affairs Inspectorate of the Almaly district of Almaty, police Major Beisenova Zarina Nurbaevna, held a preventive lecture among students of the 1-3 courses of the specialty "jurisprudence" on the topic "Criminal liability of minors".
The main purpose of today's meeting is to provide information about the criminal offense, which is currently the most common among teenagers, and to identify ways to prevent it.
During the lecture, Police Major Beisenova Z. N., providing students with full information about criminal liability imposed on minors and stressed that the main task of any person, including a minor, is to comply with the laws and not commit offenses, as well as not violate the rights and legitimate interests of others.
Based on current statistics and giving convincing arguments, she told what criminal liability teenagers who violate the law expect. 
For their part, the students asked relevant questions and received comprehensive answers. We exchanged opinions with each other, supplemented our knowledge about offenses and criminal liability, and shared our impressions.