Rector of KazNU met with young scientists

5 april, 2024

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev held a meeting with young scientists of the university on the eve of the Day of Science Workers.


During the meeting, the acting director of the Department of Science and Innovation Activity Margulan Ibraimov made a report, who shared the plan for the development of university science. The head also familiarized the audience with the results of the work done by the department in the current academic year.

"This year within the framework of the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU 3 scientific centers were opened. These are the Scientific Center for Sustainable Development and Rational Nature Management, Kazakh-Chinese joint laboratory of remote sensing technologies and their application and Scientific and Production Center of Chemical Coating innovations for the production of chemical electroplating packaging. In the 2023/24 academic year, systematic work on the development of university science was carried out. 32 university scientists received housing under special programs. In addition, in order to improve the knowledge and experience of scientists and young applicants, 776 scientists of KazNU underwent internships in various countries. Among them are participants of international conferences, symposiums. For example, recently 12 scientists visited the Northwestern Polytechnic University of China and gained work experience", - said Margulan Ibraimov.

During the meeting, the Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev congratulated young scientists on their professional holiday - the upcoming Day of Scientific Worker. In his speech, the rector noted that the share of young scientists should prevail in the development of university science, emphasizing that the university will continue to create conditions for scientists. Also Zhanseit Tuimebaev noted that young scientists are the basis of personnel reserve of KazNU and Kazakhstan.

"At present, all states of the world pay great attention to science, so the development of domestic science begins with the development of university science. And you are those who implement innovative projects in the educational institution. The scientific project of each scientist is relevant and valuable. In this context, all support from the university is in the free work of scientists and research", - said the rector.

In conclusion, Zhanseit Tuimebaev presented to the scientists II development plan of KazNU and shared the plan of work aimed at the development of the university.

During the meeting young scientists and members of the Council of Young Scientists shared their thoughts, new ideas and made their suggestions.

At the end of the event, 16 winners of the contest "Best Young Scientist" were presented with monetary certificates. Also on the Day of Science Workers a group of scientists were awarded with the Gratitude of the Rector of the University Zhanseit Tuimebaev and the medal "Eren eңbegi ushin" for their contribution to the development of the university.


                  Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University