Interuniversity scientific seminar on innovative pedagogical technologies

9 april, 2024

On April 8, 2024, Professor of the Department of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Daulet F.N., together with undergraduates and doctoral students of the department studying in the specialty "Translation Study", organized an interuniversity scientific seminar, which was held at Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages. The problems of using and introducing effective innovative methods into the educational process were discussed at the scientific seminar. In particular, Professor Daulet F.N. with colleagues from the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages shared her experience of using and implementing the collaborative method as one of the most effective methods in the process of teaching foreign languages. According to Fatimabibi Nogaikiza, the use of the collaborative method has a positive impact on the development of educational material by bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students, and can be an effective way to improve academic performance and develop metacognitive skills, Soft skills and hard skills, both among students and teachers. Solving educational and educational tasks in an equal tandem "teacher – student", and sometimes according to the model "teacher – student – employer", based on the relationship of humanity, cooperation and partnership between all participants in the educational process can be useful not only for students, but also can contribute to the professional development of the teacher himself. Undergraduates and doctoral students of the Department of Chinese Studies Junisbekova L., Su Jiayin, Sadenova A., Nurdaulet J., Wang Yuting, Wang Lingling, Basar Inkar, Dankey Baknar also shared their experience regarding the use of the collaborative method in the educational process. They said that joint work on projects with the participation of employers, group discussions of research projects and seminar results, assessment of undergraduates' knowledge by undergraduates themselves, joint patronage of bachelors with the professor and their preparation for various competitions of national and international scales, joint career guidance work – all this helps them to accept new challenges and work on various educational and educational Tasks are performed not only with the help of a teacher, but also by other students. The scientific seminar was also attended by the heads of various departments of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages and highly appreciated the results of the work carried out by Daulet F.N. and her undergraduates and doctoral students. Head of the Department of Oriental Philology Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, PhD., Professor Burkitbai G.Zh. in particular, noted that such interuniversity events can be an effective means in the joint education of highly qualified specialists in Oriental studies for various sectors of our society, as well as for the exchange of experience between teachers.