Familiarization of students with the status of a KazNU student and the student code of honor

7 september, 2023

At the Faculty of Physics and Technology, students were familiarized with the position of a KazNU student and the student’s code of honor. The desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, improve the level of one’s cultural, moral and personal development, active participation in the social, cultural, scientific and sports life of the university is the basis of everything that a student of our university should strive for.

It was explained in detail to students that they must comply with the requirements of the Code of Honor, internal regulations, dormitory rules and other regulations of the university, and also that each student must fulfill the requirements of educational programs and master them at a high professional level. According to the Code, students must actively participate in scientific- research and cultural-public spheres, comply with the requirements for appearance during training, take care of equipment, technical teaching aids and other property, maintain cleanliness and order on the territory of the university and institution.


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