Workshop on the topic "Team and innovation - preparing for opportunities"
On April 9, 2024, within the framework of the II InternationalScientific and Practical Conference “The Paradigm ofSustainable Economic Development in the Conditions of GlobalChange: Challenges, Consequences, Opportunities” Management Department held a workshop.
The speaker of the event was the General Director of thecompany "Bugin Holding" Kuatbay Aibek Nurlanuly.
Aibek Nurlanuly made a presentation to the students on thetopic “Team and innovation - preparing for opportunities” andshared the experience of his company. The students askedquestions and had an active exchange of opinions. Theworkshop was attended by the head of ManagementDepartment, Ph.D., Associate Professor Smagulova G.S., seniorcurator Galimkyzy G., teacher Zhainazar A.Zh. and 3rd yearstudents of EP “State and Local Administration”.