In KazNU discussed the directions of study of Ulus Dzhuchi

13 april, 2024

In the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a meeting of the national round table "The origins of Kazakh statehood: 800 years - Ulus Dzhuchi", dedicated to the 800th anniversary of Ulus Dzhuchi.

The event was organized by the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Faculty of History.

The purpose - discussion and popularization of topical problems of history of Ulus Juchi and Golden Horde of XIII-XV centuries.

The event brought together the leadership of KazNU, historians, scientists, faculty and young people.

The roundtable meeting was opened by Zhamila Aitzhanova, Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activities. She emphasized the historical continuity and relevance of Ulus Dzhuchi, highlighting the importance of the event.

"800 years have passed since the foundation of Ulus Dzhuchi. In honor of this significant date, which is known to be rooted in our statehood, many events are held in the country. The conference taking place today on the basis of KazNU is of great importance. Because, in the higher educational institution there are many scientists who study Ulus Juchi and share a variety of information. Thanks to the conducted researches concerning Ulus Dzhuchi, we can complete the state history of the Kazakh Khanate. This is the main part of today's collection," the provost said.

Dean of the Faculty of History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Dosbol Baigunakov spoke about the role of Ulus Dzhuchi in the history of Kazakhstan.

In turn, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Bereket Karibaev noted the relevance of the problem under consideration at the round table.

Also in the event was attended by the director of the Research Center "Turan-Iran", doctor of philological sciences, Professor Zhemeney Islam Akmuratovich, Professor of Hacettepe University (Turkey), doctor of historical sciences Mehmed Dervish Klynychkaya, Professor of Kazakh-American University, International Educational Corporation, Ph. D. Suyerkul Botagoz Myrzabaevna, teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Ph, Associate Professor Nogaybaeva Mendigul Sagatovna, PhD, Associate Professor Abdimominov Nurtas Talgatjanovich, PhD, Associate Professor Tasilova Naziya Aitbaevna, PhD, Senior Lecturer Arynov Zhumakan Makanovich and others.  

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University