Prominent cultural figures planted flowers near A. Baitursynuly House-Museum, the teacher of the Kazakh nation.

9 april, 2024

The famous poet Ulugbek Esdaulet,  the singer and   the composer,  Kadyrgali Kobentai, the  popular actor Baigali Esenali, who played Akhmet Baitursynuly in  "Ult Istazy" television series and other famous cultural figures took part with great enthusiasm in planting flowers in the adjacent territory to  Akhmet Baitursynuly House Museum. Together with the museum staff, they noted the importance of this project for the life of the city. Their example was followed by the students  of Al-Farabi KazNU, the  students of Abai KazNPU and  the schoolchildren  who are doing  internships at the Akhmettanu training center.

Planting flowers was accompanied by a musical program.  The young kyushi Tolganai Kasenova, as well as the singer and blogger Dilnaz Berdalieva made the performances to create the inspiring atmosphere for landscaping  campaign  participants..

At the end of the event, the Director of the Association of Museums of  Almaty city,  Lyazzat Sagyndykova thanked all the participants, and the head of the House-Museum, Akhmetov scientist Raikhan Imakhanbet presented them  Ahmet Baytursynuly: Tull Muraty, Bolmys Philosophies" book  by the writer Didar Amantai " as well as her book: “Kasyr saқlagy"  .

Faculty of Philology, Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature.

Ospanova Gulmaria Turysbekovna, senior lecturer