Al-Farabi Kazakh National University organized a workshop on the topic: “ Organization and Planning of Master’s degree dissertation”.

8 april, 2024

On April 8, 2024 the  workshop dedicated to research organization and planning has been delivered at  Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The event was organized for the first- and second-year students doing their Master degree's theses  in “Linguistics”, “Foreign Languages: Two Foreign Languages” and “Turkic Studies” in compliance with the UN’s Fourth Sustainable Development Goal “Quality Education”. The workshop was aimed at helping the students to acquire necessary skills and the  knowledge to successfully perform research and promote  quality education within the framework of Sustainable Development  
Organizers of the workshop – Zh.K. Ibrayeva, Associate Professor and Doctor of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer G.S. Nabiyeva, and K. Zhaksylykova – made the focus on the organizational aspects of research papers development, requirements to the layout, and the application of the state-of-the-art technologies, such as artificial intelligence, in research.
A detailed plan of a research process has become the key point and the  insight of the workshop. It aims to help   Master's degree  students deal with all milestones of a research projects successfully. In addition, the organizers provided valuable recommendations about the research process.
Overall, the event  equipped the participants with precious information about the process and defense of research projects which definitely assist the students in a successful completion of their researches and goal achievement. 

Kananova N. 1st year Master degree student in "Linguistics".

Ibraeva Zh.K. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., Associate professor