KazNU hosted a seminar on the development of inclusive education

17 april, 2024

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an international scientific seminar "Higher Inclusive Education: Foreign Experience" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university.


The project is implemented within the framework of grant financing of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Formation of professional self-determination of students with special educational needs as a national strategy in the field of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

The international seminar was attended by scientists and teachers of the country's universities, foreign experts in inclusive education, psychologists, teachers, representatives of public organizations.

The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, candidate of philosophical sciences Bekzhan Meirbayev made a welcoming speech.

"The main goal is not only to discuss the main trends and problems of higher inclusive education, but also to exchange new valuable ideas of leading scientists in the field of inclusion, exchange of experience", - said the dean.

During the seminar with a report on "The system of higher education for people with disabilities: the experience of Japan" was made by the moderator of the seminar, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician, Professor of KazNU, Deputy Chairman of the Coordinating Council for Inclusive Education in Organizations of Higher and Postgraduate Education of RK Akmaral Magauova. The professor noted that today approaches to education in the world have changed dramatically. "The main strategy of the world educational process is inclusive education, which provides equality and access to quality education regardless of socio-physical status, physical limitations and cultural and ethnic origin of a person", - said the academician. In his speech he also cited Japan's experience in inclusive higher education as an example and presented it to the participants in detail.

The scientific seminar was addressed by M.B. Urazova, Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Nizami Tashkent State University (Uzbekistan), L.V. Akhmerova, Associate Professor, North-West Institute of Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russia), and E.A. Kulikova, Head of the Institute. A. Kulikova, Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University (Belarus). Professor of the Institute of Inclusive Education T.V. Lisovskaya and others were expert scientists who expressed their opinions on the issues of inclusive education.

The event was a forum for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of experiences among the scholars.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University