11 april, 2024

On April 10-11, 2024 the Abai Research Institute of  Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an educational event on the topic: ABAI’S TEACHING IS A SYSTEM OF SPIRITUAL VALUES within the framework of Abai's Teachingdiscipline, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The event was opened by a famous literary scholar, leading scientist of  Abai Research Institute, doctor of philological sciences, Professor Kanseit Abdezuly. Deputy Dean for Educational, Methodical and Educational Work of the Faculty of Information Technology, PhD. Zukhra Muratovna Abdiakhmetova wished success to the students participating in the educational event and expressed her warmest wishes.

The students of Kazakh and Russian Departments of the Faculty of Information Technology majoring in   Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Security Systems, Data Science, Information Security Systems, Intelligent Control Systems, Highly Loaded Information Systems with Artificial Intelligence, as well as students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics majoring in  Mathematics, Mechanics, Robotics Systems, "Space Engineering and Technologies” took an active part in the educational event. Each group presented situational scenarios,  intellectual tasks, IT-products (website, application, programs, etc.) according to the stage of application of knowledge of Abai's taxonomy on the topics studied on the basis of  Abai's Teaching” subject. Besides, they defended their project-presentations on the topics: Abai's Code of Humanity, Conceptual model of Abai's teaching.

Professor of the Faculty of Information Technology Baidaulet Amantayevich Urmashev expressed his gratitude to the students, teachers and guests of the event, noting the importance of teaching  Abai's Teaching” subject  and glorification of Abai's creativity. Subject teachers – Acting Professor Toregeldy Rakhmanberdiyevich Tuyakbai Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Leyla Zhumatayevna Mussaly, Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Nurgul Abdrazakovna Aldabek, PhD, senior lecturer Askar Keikiuly Duysenbi, senior lecturer Bibigul Dauletovna Dautova, lecturer Gulzhan Ybyraikyzy, lecturer Alma Meirbekovna Kenzhekozhayeva solidified knowledge gained by students in the subject “Abai’s Teaching” and guided them to practical implementation, new projects and initiatives, participated in the organization of the educational event.

Professor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,  Bolat Kusainovich Abenov recognized the work and activities of the students-participants of the event and at the end of the event expressed his best wishes. This educational event enhanced the spiritual value of each student and greatly contributed to the recognition of Abai's legacy and teachings. Undoubtedly, such events held within the framework of Abai's Teaching enrich not only the knowledge of students, but also spiritual and moral values!