“The main causes of earthquakes.”

10 april, 2024

     On April 10, 2nd year graduate students of Al-Farabi University, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Science, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, 7M07301-Geodesy, held a seminar for 3rd year students on the topic “The main causes of earthquakes.”

     An earthquake - is a natural geological phenomenon that can occur at any time. The source of an earthquake is formed in the depths. Rapid changes in the geological environment, such as shifts, mergers, explosions and landslides, cause earthquakes. With each earthquake, as a result of this explosion, part of the energy stored in the bowels is released. The main causes of earthquakes are movements and shifts of the earth's crustal platforms. The area where such movements occur is called the epicenter of the earthquake. The epicenter is the point on the earth's surface at the center of the earthquake.

     Thus, the causes and ways of prevention were discussed.

     You don't know when an earthquake will happen, so you should always be prepared. To do this, you should follow the following tips:

     Orientation of safe places at home, at work, at university, on the street;

     Discuss with family members what to do in the event of an earthquake and learn first aid;

     Prepare a first aid kit and know how to use the medications in it;

Always put documents, money, a flashlight in a convenient place;

     Placing the bed away from windows and walls;

     Do not block the entrance to the house with furniture or other objects;

     Secure cabinets and shelves with nails, do not place heavy objects on them;

     Store hazardous substances such as toxic chemicals, flammable liquids in a well-insulated, safe place. Thus, meeting and conducting seminars is a very useful activity.