Guest lecture

17 april, 2024

On 17 April 2024 at the Faculty of Law was held a guest lecture of a well-known legal scholar in the field of customs law Doctor of Law, Professor of the International Transport and Humanities University Alibekov Sailaubek Tynyshbekovich Alibekov on the topic: "Customs sphere of Kazakhstan: status and prospects". In his speech he acquainted students with published works in the field of customs, tax law, legal regulation of foreign economic activity, economic relations in EurAsEC
 The guest lecture was organised by the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law. 
 During the lecture the history of the customs system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, .   Students were particularly interested in the issue of the emergence of the customs sphere of Kazakhstan, which without a systemic content and practical impact of the full range of assigned tasks will not be able to ensure proper functioning in the current conditions, taking into account the provision of economic sovereignty and security.