Assessment of food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of environmental volatility

21 april, 2024

Senior lecturer, leading researcher at the Department of Economics of the Higher School of Economics, Kaliyeva A.Ye. took part in the International Conference “International Conference on Agricultural Education and Communications (ICAEC-2024)” (Stockholm, Sweden) during the period March 21-22, 2024 as part of the research project AP14973003 “Assessment of food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of environmental volatility ", which is implemented as part of grant funding for research by young scientists under the project "Zhas Galym". The report “Competitiveness of the country's agro-industrial complex as a factor in food security” was presented at the conference, which will be published in the conference proceedings. The problem of food security is one of the most important issues in modern conditions and is the second Millennium Sustainable Development Goal: ending hunger. The excess growth rate of the world population over the rate of food production and the trend towards a reduction in basic resources used for agricultural production have become the reasons for the worsening food problem in the 21st century. During the conference, the problems of ensuring food security at the national and international levels, the role of the agro-industrial complex and agricultural enterprises in ensuring food security were discussed.