The literary talent of a statesmen

22 april, 2024

On April 22, 2024, within the framework of SDG 4: "Quality Education",  the 1st–year doctoral students of  "8D02304 – Literary Studies" major   supported  by  the Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature held a round table discussion  on the topic: "The writing talent of government and public figures". During the meeting, they discussed the literary heritage of T.K. Zhurgenov, Sh. Murtaza, J. Galsworthy, Lu Xin and  M. Thatcher. The doctoral students noted the impact of government activities on worldview and artistic creativity of these personalities.

Presentations were made by S. Urazgalieva, R. Bolat, G. Ametova, A. Sadyk, A. Sailaukhan.  The  students assessed the literary heritage of state and public figures.

The concluding speech  was  made by the head of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature, Full Professor,  A.B. Temirbolat and Associate Professor B.S. Imangaliev. They showed the  directions in which  the artistic works of T.K. Zhurgenov, Sh. Murtaza, J. Galsworthy, Lu Xin, M. Thatcher can be studied, and summed up the results of the round table discussion.