The book is a source of knowledge

24 april, 2024

On the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day on April 24, Afghan students of the Department of Pre-university training took part in the event "the book is a source of knowledge". The event was held in the library of the faculty.
Purpose: to increase the interest of foreign listeners in books and reading.
The book is humanity's best friend and mentor, a source of wisdom and knowledge. The book is the key to the treasure of knowledge and the source of thought, which our people considered sacred. The book, from the Arabic word "to write", is a genealogy of history, a means of learning.
It was very interesting for foreign listeners from Afghanistan to learn about Kazakh literature, including children's fairy tales. Talking about the works of fiction created on a fantastic basis, they read and exchanged opinions about the fairy tale "The Girl Makta and the Cat". At the end of the event, the audience shared proverbs and sayings about the book.