Visiting the theater of the young spectator by students

3 april, 2024

Curator- adviser of the Kazakh group of 1-2 years of the Department of Geography and Geoinformatics, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, specialization “Natural and Technogenic Hazards”, report by Aktoty Utepovna Bekzhanova on the curatorial hour.

        In order to improve the cultural level of students, we went to the play “The Revolt of the Brides” at the G. Musyrepov Children and Youth Theater. The play dealt with the issues between young people creating a new family in keeping with modernity, and it was a thought-provoking world for young people.

       After the performance in the theater, the students shared their impressions, noting that the value of family and one of the conditions for preserving a family is mutual understanding, mutual support and respect for parents.