Trip to the Botanical Garden

24 april, 2024

     In the 2023-2024 academic year, students of the POK-107 group majoring in Software, under the guidance of the curator of the group C.M.Atykanovna, made a trip to the botanical garden to implement the Sustainable Development Goals "conservation of the Kuryk ecosystem". The students learned about the peculiarities of the Botanical Garden, saw valuable plant species brought from various geographical territories, and received useful information about them. After getting acquainted with the historical data about the botanical garden, he visited the greenhouse complex, where rare plants from all over the world grow and grow. We got acquainted with various exotic plants growing in the tropical and subtropical zone. The students stressed the need to take care of the nature of their native land, expand environmental knowledge, which, as the folk wisdom says, "without nature, humanity has no day, there is no language of nature to say this," every humanity is responsible to nature, the protection of which is our obligatory duty.

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