KazNU and the University of Pennsylvania of the USA signed a memorandum

29 april, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the University of Pennsylvania of the USA signed a memorandum of cooperation. This agreement was reached during the working visit of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev to the USA.


At the meeting, the rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev and the president of the University of Pennsylvania Neely Bendapudi considered new opportunities in the realization of joint goals in the field of higher education and science.

Within the framework of the memorandum KazNU and the University of Pennsylvania will exchange teachers and students, jointly use scientific laboratories in higher education institutions. The parties will also organize joint international conferences and symposiums, will conduct scientific research. This agreement provides ample opportunities for holding lectures of scientists at the university, publication of articles of KazNU scientists in the journals of the University of Pennsylvania.

During the meeting Zhanseit Tuimebaev drew attention to the dynamically developing relations between KazNU and universities of the USA.

"To date, KazNU has established contacts with more than 650 universities from 54 countries. Including 18 higher educational institutions of the United States. I am confident that this visit will be an important milestone in the development of bilateral relations. I would like to voice a proposal on the need for training of scientists of KazNU in the University of Pennsylvania. This work can be carried out under the program "Bolashak" within the framework of the project "500 ғalym". This will contribute to the exchange of experience and development of partnership," - said the head of KazNU.

In turn, Nili Bendapudi noted that the visit of the rector of KazNU to the University of Pennsylvania is of great importance in terms of giving a new impetus to the development of bilateral relations. Also in her speech, the president of the university noted that the two universities have great potential for increasing cooperation in all areas.

It should be noted that the University of Pennsylvania was founded in 1855. This university is one of the top 15 state-funded universities in the United States. It occupies the 83rd place in the international QS WUR rating. About 50 thousand students are taught by more than 7 thousand teachers. The university has 18 colleges.

After the talks, the delegation of KazNU toured the academic buildings and laboratories, familiarized with the scientific infrastructure of the university. 

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University