Experiments in the educational processFarabi University

Experiments in the educational process

30 april, 2024

In accordance with the 3rd goal of the SDGs to ensure quality education оn April 27, 2024, 3rd year students of the OP "6B04103 - Economics" under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Economics G.K. Ilyashova and Sh.A. Boluspaev visited the "Laboratory of Behavioral and Experimental Economics" at AlmaU University as part of a training session on the discipline "Behavioral and Experimental Economics". The tour class was organized to teach the practical aspect of studying the economic behavior of consumers in the market.

The tour class was held under the direct supervision of a professional in this field, PhD, Professor Alexey Vladimirovich Belyanin. During the classes, students not only studied the theoretical aspects of behavioral economics, but also actively participated in ongoing experiments.

The experiment was conducted in a well-equipped modern laboratory. Students had the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-world situations and develop analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.