“Prevention of early pregnancy and prevention of early sexual activity among young people and adolescents” and “Prevention of tick bites”

29 april, 2024

On April 29, at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of our university, a significant seminar was held for female students on the topic “Prevention of early pregnancy and prevention of early sexual activity among young people and adolescents” and “Prevention of tick bites.” The seminar was organized by experts from the City Clinic No. 7 of the Almaty Public Health Department.The event provided information about the health status of girls, the dangers of early pregnancy and early sexual intercourse, as well as signs of hormonal changes in the body and necessary treatment measures. Our students also received detailed information about tick bites and various infectious diseases transmitted by these insects, which are relevant from the spring to autumn months. The first steps to take in case of a tick bite were also presented. At the end of the seminar, the students took pictures with the arriving specialists and expressed their gratitude to them.
We express our gratitude to the specialists of the “City Clinic No. 7” of the Almaty Public Health Department and our university for their contribution to the development of students’ knowledge in the field of healthcare!