Quality Education

2 may, 2024

As part of the implementation of SDG 4 «Quality Education» of the United Nations at the national level, from April 1 to April 12, 2024, advanced training courses for teaching staff of additional educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan were held on the basis of the Republican State-owned Enterprise «Republican Educational and Methodological Center for Additional Education».

Akmaral Bakhtiyarovna Smanova – candidat of jurisprudence science, Senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law,of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was invited to lecture online.

The purpose is to clarify the current regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the formation of an anti-corruption culture in society, as well as measures to combat corruption in educational institutions.

The conference participants got acquainted with the organization's websites and Internet resources for the implementation of normative legal acts in the office management by the organization's leaders to provide information to the public, anti-corruption measures were also discussed.