The Department of Chinese Studies started the work of the summer school

3 may, 2024

In accordance with the annual plan, the Department of Chinese Studies started the Summer School in May 3. This school is organized in order to implement the strategic development of the university and develop external academic mobility. 20 students from Nanjing University of the PRC applied to participate in the online course. They are offered an online course entitled "The Great Silk Road and Kazakhstan: History, Culture and Interconnection".

The course covers topics that are most interesting to Chinese students, such as "Historical significance of the Great Silk Road", "Ancient tribal associations and state structures inhabiting the Kazakh steppe", "National features of phraseological units in the Kazakh language". On May 3, the opening ceremony of the school for students of Nanjing University was held. At the opening ceremony, foreign students were given comprehensive information about our university, faculty and department, and students' questions were answered. The Summer school will be continued until May 16.