From Book Pages to Shelves” event

29 april, 2024


On April 29, 2024 in the library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was held an event on the theme "Book - knowledge, opportunities and future". During the event, held in the framework of "Sustainable Development Goals - Quality Education", a book exhibition was held, a tour of the library was conducted, and books, textbooks and monographs of teachers of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies were donated. Students and teachers who took part in the event familiarized themselves with the possibilities of library funds and electronic library and received a lot of information. Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies expresses gratitude for cooperation and warm welcome to the staff of Al-Farabi Library.

Organizers of the event: Utebayeva D., PhD, acting associate professor, Baitenova N., Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Borbasova K., Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor, Kantarbaeva J., PhD, senior lecturer, master students of religious studies Alibayeva A.A., Jundybayeva G.D., Razbekova M.K., Abdullin A.A.