Event within the framework of the SDGs: “Modern Kazakhstan and India: culture, religion, art”

2 may, 2024


In order to achieve the SDG partnership, on мay 02, 2024, the Faculty of Oriental Studies held the event: “Modern Kazakhstan and India: culture, religion, art.” The guest of the event was the honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, cultural figure, founder of the center of Indian classical dance and yoga - Akmaral Kainazarova.

Words of congratulations were said by the head of the department of the Middle East and South Asia - Kokeeva M.D. and professor of the department of religious studies and cultural studies N.Zh. Baytenova. During the event, speakers spoke on the following topics:

- Akmaral Kainazarova «Philosophical concept of Indian classical dance Bharatanatyam»;

- Borbasova Karlygash Moldagalievna «Theoretical problems of the research of evangelization policy in Kazakhstan»;

- Ismagulova Symbat Absamatovna «British colonial history of the Naga tribes: religion and education system»;

- Taizhanova Gauhar «Features of the use of the cultural code in modern missionary activity».

The organizers of the event are the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies - N.Zh. Baytenova. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Borbasova K.M.. Doctor of Philosophy. Sc., Associate Professor, Mukan N. Art. teacher; master's students: Taizhanova G.N., Asan A.B., Doszhanov D., Tazabekov A.; Department of the Middle East and South Asia - Kokeeva D.M. head of the department, acting Professor, Ismagulova S.A. Head of the Department of Indology, PhD, Eslyamgariev A.A. Indologist, senior faculty advisor. The event was attended by students who during the event asked questions and had a lively conversation with the speakers.