Peaceful society

6 may, 2024

On Maу 06, 2024 there was an  event devoted to the  discussion of one of the Goals of Sustainable Development (SDG) 16: “Peace, justice and strong institutions” which is included in the list of key areas of long-term development identified by the United Nations in 2015. The  master’s degree students  and bachelor’s degree  students of  “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” major took part in the event. Kazakhstan is currently one of the key subjects of international politics. During the event,  the participants discussed activities of Kazakhstan at  the international arena, including participation in multilateral assistance programs for countries and regions experiencing difficulties in resolving internal contradictions.


Organizers: teachers of the Department of Turkic Studies and Language Theory Dossanova. A.M.,KaibuldayevaA.Z. and  NabievaG.S.