Actual problems of PR-education are analyzed

15 may, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an anniversary scientific and methodological conference "15 years on the market: current problems of PR-education in the Republic of Kazakhstan", organized by KazNU together with the National Association of Public Relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Professional Club "PR-shi".


Asel Karaulova, President of the Kazakhstan Press Club, Chairman of the NASSO Board, made a welcoming speech. "This anniversary has become an occasion to rethink the successes achieved and think about what challenges we are facing now. In this regard, it should be especially noted that the current rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Professor Zhanseit Tuimebaev contributed to the revival of the PR profession in 2009, when he was the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan," - said Asel Karaulova.

At the conference was signed a cooperation agreement between Al-Farabi KazNU and the professional community, providing for scientific and methodological activities in the field of improving training programs, updating and improving the content of educational programs in accordance with market needs, joint professional development of teachers and students, trainings and seminars.

During the conference a detailed analysis of modern trends and challenges in the field of education and training of public relations specialists was conducted, the issues of interaction with the professional community were considered, in particular, the problems of creating and maintaining an effective dialog between educational institutions and practitioners to ensure the relevance and practical orientation of training. 

The topic of ethics and social responsibility in PR-education, which is important for modern times, was also raised, as it is very important to form high moral standards of professional activity in students.

     According to the results of the conference participants made suggestions and recommendations aimed at improving scientific and methodological work. It was suggested to develop the concept of education in the specialty "Public Relations", to improve the program "Anti-Plagiarism" in order to prevent anti-social manifestations.

The participants of the jubilee scientific and methodological conference noted the great importance of conducting scientific research in the field of public relations, which allows to consider theoretical and methodological aspects of teaching. It is also an urgent need to organize and conduct conferences, trainings and seminars for domestic scientists and specialists studying this issue, to create conditions for the publication of their works.

During the conference the participants shared their experience, discussed topical issues related to the formation of new mechanisms of the domestic system of higher education in the field of public relations taking into account modern challenges.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University