KazNU Graduate School of Economics and Business gathered alumni

27 may, 2024

The Al-Farabi Higher School of Economics and Business of KazNU held its annual traditional Alumni Day.

Al-Farabi KazNU is the Alma-mater of many outstanding Kazakhstani scientists, famous business representatives and statesmen of whom the country is proud.

At the opening of the event, Leila Bimendieva, Dean of the Graduate School of Economics and Business, made a welcoming speech and thanked the alumni for their constant connection with the university.

Traditionally, guests and alumni sang the international anthem of students Gaudeamus.

The meeting of the Alumni Association Council continued with the greeting of the participants: Gulmira Yesengeldieva, 1989 graduate of the Faculty of Economics, and Ilyas Kuliev, 1994 graduate of the Faculty of Economics.

Jubilee graduates of different years also made congratulations to their native faculty: Meruert Daribaeva, Madina Sharapieva, Akbota Akzambekkyzy, Dana Kubentaeva, Zerde Bekbolatova, Moldir Bekenova, Aimankul Erezhepova, Biken Nurmanova, Aimankul Erezhepova, Nursultan Shurenov, Zhandos Nurkhalikov, Zhanetta Kenzhebay, Aiman Isaeva, Zhanna Kalymbekova and others. The alumni shared their memories of their student years, their experience, and also expressed their hope to continue active interaction with students.

A.S. Migatova - marketing (graduate of 2014) - director of the educational center "Talap" in Mangystau region made a video congratulation on behalf of the Department of Business Technology.

Traditionally, there was held the issuance of personal scholarships to the best students and material grants from graduates of different years. In support of the university projects alumni participants awarded scholarships to 30 students.

From the Department of Business Technology was held the issuance of personal scholarships to needy students "Scholarship of Doctor of Economics, Professor Nysanbaev S.N." for a total of 1 million tenge.

At the end of the meeting, HSEB Dean Leyla Bimendieva summarized the results: to expand the alumni base, develop connections, form master classes, guest lectures, encourage students to participate in various prestigious competitions, increase academic mobility, develop networking, etc.

The Alumni Day brought together alumni from different years who today occupy high positions in business, politics, science and education.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University