Round table on the topic: “Forest conservation and restoration”Farabi University

Round table on the topic: “Forest conservation and restoration”

23 may, 2024

On May 23, 2024, senior teachers of the Department of Biotechnology Mamytova N.S. and Mukhataeva K.A. held a round table with 2nd year students of the English group in the specialty “6B05103 – Biotechnology”, an educational event on the topic: “Forest conservation and restoration”. The event was held according to the schedule of the Roadmap of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology for SDG 15 “Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems”. The purpose of the event is to substantiate knowledge about the protection and restoration of land ecosystems and promoting their rational use, rational forest management, and combating desertification. One of the most important aspects of conserving terrestrial ecosystems is forest management. This includes sustainable forestry, which involves slowing down the rate of deforestation, regenerating forests, protecting biodiversity and taking into account the needs of local communities.