Established business education liaison with Italian universities

31 may, 2024

A delegation from Al-Farabi Business School visited the University of Padua and Luiss Guido Carli (LUISS) in Italy, establishing business contacts and discussing opportunities for cooperation in science and education.


The purpose of the trip was to establish academic and business ties, exchange experience and discuss prospects for cooperation and realization of joint educational projects.

The University of Padua is the oldest and leading research university in Italy. It has produced such pioneers of modern science as Copernicus and Galileo. The delegation met with Director Andrea Carachausi to discuss student and faculty exchange programs, as well as opportunities for implementing dual degree programs.

Luiss is one of the best universities in Italy. It is among the top 1% of business schools with EQUIS accreditation. In Rome, the delegation met with the university administration to discuss internships for master's and doctoral students in Italian companies and dual degree programs. A campus tour was also conducted, during which AFBS representatives were able to see the modern teaching and research centers.

The trip was productive, allowing us to establish important contacts that will open new opportunities for our students and faculty. Cooperation with such prestigious universities as Luiss and Padua University will significantly enrich the educational process and strengthen the international position of KazNU Business School.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University