10 may, 2024

02.05.2024 - 03.05.2024 at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan, the II stage of the Republican subject Olympiad was held among students in the groups of educational programs "Foreign languages" and "Humanities". The Olympiad was held in the groups of educational programs "Foreign Languages" and "Humanities" in five specialties: Oriental Studies: Japanese Studies; Oriental education: Korean education, Translation work: Chinese language (Russian department); Translation work: Korean language; Foreign philology: Korean language; A total of 67 students from five higher educational institutions of the country participated in the Olympiad.


Winners of the Republican Student Olympiad:

Oriental studies

Section of Japanese studies:

1st place - Kabysh Aziza (KazNU)

2nd place - Kabulova Aruzhan  (KazNU)

2nd place - Gabdullina Leila (KazNU)

3rd place - Kairolla Adil (KazUIR & WL )

3rd place - Michkasov Alexey (KazNU)

3rd place - Zarina Kemelbaeva (KazNU)


Section of Korean studies:

1st place - Aruna Serikbolova (KazUIR & WL)

2nd place - Otegenova Madina (KazUIR & WL}

3rd place - Abish Togzhan (KazNU)


Foreign philology

Korean language section:

1st place - Altynbekova Kymbat(KazUIR & WL}

2nd place - Rayysova Diana (KazUIR & WL}

3rd place - Nurmamet Moldir (KazUIR & WL}


Translation case

Korean language section:

1st place - Inkarbek Aziza (KazUIR & WL}

2nd place - Mukhan Dariga, (KazNU)

3rd place - Smailova Akerke (SDU)


Head of the Department of Japanese Studies

Tazabekova G.B.