Consideration was given to the promotion of university science

12 june, 2024

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev held a meeting with representatives of Singapore company Akhter Studios.


The delegation included: founder and president of the company Admet Akhter, co-founders Shamil Akhmedov and Dmitry Nigodin.

The parties discussed issues of joint work on promotion and commercialization of scientific projects.

At the meeting, the head of the university, welcoming the honored guests, presented the innovative projects of scientists of KazNU. Also Zhanseit Tuimebaev voiced a number of proposals aimed at expanding cooperation. "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University pays great attention to the development of science. The institution of higher education has a sufficient number of scientific projects developed by our scientists. In order to promote, commercialize and develop a marketing strategy for scientific projects, I propose to open an office on the basis of KazNU. This will certainly contribute to the building of bilateral partnership", - said the rector.

In turn, the president of Akhter Studios thanked the university administration for their attention and expressed support for the proposal to open an office. In his speech Admet Akhter dwelled on the main activities of the company and shared the results of the work.

At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed on further systematic implementation of the above initiatives and exchanged memorable gifts.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University