The 2nd year master's students of speciality of geobotany at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources defended their master's theses at a high level.
Under the leadership of the Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor Kurmanbaeva Meruert Sakenovna master's student Abdildanov D.Sh. defended their dissertation on the topic “Study of related species of Allium L. in the Aral-Balkhash region: taxonomy, geography, ecology, anatomy of individual species” and Usen S. “Study of the systemic composition, anatomical structure and ecological and phytocenotic role of species of the genus Suaeda Forssk. in the Aral-Balkhash region."
Master's research work was carried out within the framework of grants and scientific and technical programs:
- AP09258929 «Prospects of using the correlation between the composition of anthropophilic element of flora of the desert part of the Syrdarya river valley and the type of land disturbance for predictive purposes» (2021-2023) (Project Manager - Candidate of Biological Science, Veselova P.V.).
- AP19679078 «Study of species diversity of ecotone territory of north-eastern Betpakdala for preservation of relict gene pool of arid flora of Kazakhstan» (2021-2023) (Project Manager - Candidate of biological science, Veselova P.V.)
- BR10264557 «Cadastral assessment of the current ecological state of flora and vegetation of Almaty region as a scientific basis for effective management of resource potential» (2021-2023) (Progect Manager - Doctor of Biological Sciences Dimeeva L.A.).
Master's students spoke about the relevance of studying biodiversity in desert regions, about the effective use of vegetation cover, and about the effectiveness of using plants in animal husbandry and breeding. The master's thesis presents the results of research on the ecology, geography, and morpho-anatomy of plants.
Master's students comprehensively studied the topic of scientific research. During the research, observing the requirements for undergraduates, I systematically applied modern scientific methods. Congratulations to the master's students and supervisor, we wish you further success
Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources