International Forum “Interaction of science and society: language , innovation and culture”

14 october, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Facluty of Philology

Russian Language and Culture Center


Dear Colleagues!

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Russian Language and Culture Center sponsored by  the Russian World Foundation, the Russian House in Almaty invite scientists, teachers, PhD  students,  master’s degree students and bachelor’s degree  students  to take part in the International Forum “Interaction of  science and society: language , innovation and  culture” (hereinafter referred to as the Forum), dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.  

The  Forum aims to  integrate  scientific knowledge into the public sphere, to arouse  an  interest in science, to discuss  issues related to the interaction of science and culture in the context of modern innovations.

   The Forum includes  plenary and sectional sessions, round table discussions, master classes, exhibitions of literature on Russian studies, and a cultural program. A collection of scientific papers will be published by the results of the Forum.

The organizing committee has  the right not to accept  papers  that do not correspond to the topics and   the conference paper  preparation rules  of the Forum.

 To participate in the Forum, one should  register and submit materials by August 30, 2024 via the link:

 The Forum Languages ​ are  Russian, Kazakh, English.

 The Forum organizers are   “Russian World and Culture” Center, Faculty of Philology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan),  Russkiy Mir Foundation (Russia), Russian House in Almaty (Kazakhstan), Book Exhibition of the Book City store (Almaty).

Venue: conference room No. 409, library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,  Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., 71.

Format: mixed (offline-online participation, absentee participation).

Date: October 14, 2024.

Registration of participants starts at  9.00. a.m.  The conference starts at  10.00 a.m..

Contacts: Begalieva Saule Bayazovna – tel.: +7 702 777 1604,

Bayanbaeva Zhadyra Amangeldievna – tel.: +7 777 163 5461,

 Isalieva Saule Temirovna – tel.: +7 747 416 5076, (  if you have any questions about the  publications in the collection).

The Forum  topics:  

Section 1. Science and sustainable development in the formation of cultural values.

Section 2. The importance of world languages ​​and literature in science and education.

Section 3. The role of literary works in the world cultural heritage.

Section 4. Advantages and challenges of Digital in teaching philological disciplines.

 Within the framework of the Forum,  Master classes and Round tables  discussions on the problems of teaching world languages ​​and literature, Russian as a foreign language (RFL) are planned:

1. Prospects for the development of world languages ​​in modern realities:

- world languages ​​in intercultural interaction and communication;

- modern trends in the development of world languages: new words, changes in grammar and vocabulary; - the relationship between world languages ​​and culture: how language reflects and shapes cultural characteristics;
 - the training potential and prospects of the NCRY, NKKY and RKI.

2. Classical literature and modernity:

- the role of world literature in the formation of national identity;

- trends and topics of modern literature;

- the influence of digital technologies on reading and understanding literature;

- media discourse and modern literature: trends and linguistic environment.


Dates of the Forum are  October 14, 2024 Applications for participation in the Forum are accepted until August 30, 2024. The deadline for submitting materials to the Forum collection is August 30, 2024. October 14, 2024 is  registration of participants at  9.00 a.m. in the library of Al-Farabi KazNU,  Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., 71.

 Conditions for participation in the Forum:

1. Participation in the Forum is free.

2. Travel, accommodation and meals  expenses are paid by  participants.

Conference paper requirements:

 volume  is  at least 5 pages, font TimesNewRoman, line spacing is  1, font  is  12, paragraph indent is  ​​1 cm; all margins are 2 cm; originality of the text is not less than 70% (licensed;

- first line is    the title of the article in bold capital letters in the center;

- below, with one interval  full name, place of study / work, e-mail of all authors (in italics) are in the center;

- below,   annotations and keywords in three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian, English) are single spaced;

- below,  the text of the paper is single spaced;

- links to sources are indicated as they are mentioned in the text, the source number is indicated in square brackets and the page is indicated separated by a semicolon;

- below, at one interval, there is  a list of sources used (GOST-2017).

The conference paper example


Full name of the authors

Place of study or work (city, country)

email all authors

Abstract. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. Quote. – up to 100 words

Keywords: word/phrase, word/phrase.

Text of the article. The text of the article Text of the article. Text of the article. Text of the article. Text of the article. Text of the article [2]. Text of the article.


1. Full name of the authors. Name. – City: Publisher, year. – number of pages [Electronic resource]: URL: ______________ (date of access: _______). - for books

2. Full name of the authors. Article title // Journal title. – Year. – Issue(issue). – P.___-___ [Electronic resource]: URL: ______________ (date of access: _________). - for a magazine article

3. Full name of the authors. Article title // Conference title: type of collection. – City, date of conduct. – P.___-___ [Electronic resource]: URL: ______________ (date of access: _________). - for an article in the conference collection