A ceremonial presentation of diplomas to graduates of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences took place

3 july, 2024

On July 3, a solemn presentation of diplomas to graduates of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences took place. The ceremony at the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences was opened by Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs A.G. Kazmagambetov.

“KazNU is the first and only university included in the top 200 universities in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The university has achieved high results in the international research network and sustainable development indicators. Our university prepares in-demand specialists who are capable of generating new ideas and creating modern high-tech production, mastering them, and providing deep fundamental knowledge in all sciences. I am confident that KazNU graduates, no matter where they work, will always differ from their colleagues in their high professionalism, level of knowledge, creativity, innovative approach to business, thinking, and ability to conduct in-depth analysis,” said the vice-rector, congratulating the graduates of the faculty and wishing them a good journey.

This year, 289 graduates graduated from the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, of which 145 were bachelors. Of these, 69 graduates received diplomas with honors.

At the end of the events, Altay Kazmagambetov presented diplomas to the graduates. The dean of the faculty and heads of the department presented letters of gratitude and congratulated them on the solemn event, and wished them a successful professional start.