Students of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology have successfully completed training on the COURSERA platform!!!

23 july, 2024

According to the global platform - Coursera in our university, students are given the opportunity to take free courses in various fields. Doctoral students of the Meteorology curriculum Musralinova Gulnur, Makhambetova Meruert successfully completed the AI and Climate Change course on the Coursera platform. This course discussed the mechanisms of anthropogenic climate change and its impact on global temperature and weather. Two specific examples are considered on these topics, one using time-series analysis to predict wind energy and the other using computer vision to monitor biodiversity. Both examples are based on artificial intelligence methods, that is, they are part of the solution to the problems of reducing climate change and adaptation.

Global warming is one of the most important issues of our century. Also, 1st year undergraduates Alipbek Asem, Tursynbai Ayazhan and Sakhanova Alua took the Science and Engineering of Climate Change course. The course "Climate Change Science and Engineering" offers an introduction to the science of climate change and existing technologies to reduce its change. This course presented data on how scientists measure climate and its evolution, how climate models work and how greenhouse gases in the atmosphere play an important role in determining climate. The next module presents the main technologies that can be used to reduce carbon emissions and concentrations in the atmosphere, as well as explaining and working out how these technologies are better combined with each other, taking into account the facts indicated in the first part of the course.

In the future, the plan is to use the course taken on the Coursera platform when writing dissertation papers.

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