Gene Bank Operations in Central Asian Countries

12 october, 2024

From October 8 to 11, 2024, an international scientific seminar " Gene Bank Operations in Central Asian Countries" on the conservation of genetic banks of plant resources in Central Asian countries was held in Tashkent. The organizers are the International Non-Profit Center for Applied Agricultural Research (ICBA) with the support of the Islamic Development Bank.

The purpose of the seminar is the effective management of plant genetic resources and biological diversity of agriculture for the conservation of natural resources. The program discussed methods of conservation of genetic resources, increasing the resistance of crops to stressful conditions on saline soils, adaptation of crops to climate change, regulatory rules and standards for the conservation of genetic resources of rare and endangered species, priority areas of genetic resources, scientific achievements. The experience of managing the received data by digital means is analyzed. The seminar was attended by experts from various environmental organizations from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, the United Arab Emirates, and India.

As part of the program, the organizers held a field seminar at the scientific and production base of local genetic banks and the State Agrarian University in Uzbekistan, at the experimental site of the Scientific Research Institute of Genetic Resources. From Kazakhstan, Mukanova Gulzhanat Amangeldievna acting professor and Alimuratkyzy Aitolkyn 1st-year PhD student of the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took part in this seminar, improved their qualifications on this topic and as a result received international certificates.

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