SDG-4: Our students watched the national games competition «Dastur kerueni».

20 october, 2024

On the initiative of the Grand Mufti of the country Nauryzbai Haji Taganuly, on October 20, organized by representatives of the Central Mosque of Almaty, a national games competition called «Dastur kerueni» was held at the Almaty Hippodrome. The main goal of this event was to spread our traditions inherited from our ancestors widely among the people of today's society.

Students of our educational institution watched the national games competition called «Dastur kerueni» and tried their luck by taking part in the competitions. During the event, competitions were held in national sports games such as kookpar, Kazakh wrestling, arm wrestling, weightlifting, shooting, rope pulling, and toghukumalak. An exhibition of national products and various products was also held at the event.