On October 24, 2024, within the framework of SDG-4 "Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and encouraging lifelong learning opportunities for all", a curatorial hour was held on the theme "My Kazakhstan is my future", dedicated to the Republic Day on October 25, organized by Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting Zh. Z. Oralbayeva and doctoral student of the 2nd year of the educational program "Accounting and auditing" Arystambayeva A. Z., students of the 4th year of the educational program "Accounting and Auditing".
The purpose of the curatorial hour is to strengthen the students' love for their native country, the land, to encourage them to become a citizen who continues the heritage of their country.
The students shared their opinion that each of them can contribute to the future of Kazakhstan by participating in public life, supporting the development of science and technology, taking care of the environment and participating in solving social problems.
The organizers urged the students to proceed from the fact that continuous high-quality education, unity and cooperation are the key to the future success and prosperity of our country.
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