Demo lesson

29 october, 2024

Within the framework of THE IDEA OF A NEW KAZAKHSTAN and within the framework of the goals of sustainable development, and also   to  improve the education system,  its quality and to educate  conscious and responsible young people of a  high intellectual potential, the teaching staff of the Department of  Kazakh literature and theory of literature  holds various weekly events. On October 29, 2024, within the framework of SDG 4: Quality Education   the first year doctoral student of  8D01701 Kazakh language and literature major,  Atakhanova Nurassila Amangeldinovna  conducted a  demonstrative lesson on  "Fundamentals of Literary Studies 100707" discipline. The lecturer who delivered this course,  candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer,  Salima Abdramanovna Kalkabayeva, head of the pedagogical practice PhD, senior lecturer E. S. Seisenbiyeva,  other doctoral students were present at this lesson.  Atakhanova Nurassila Amangeldinovna delivered  the demo  lecture on the topic: Artistic Theme-Integrity Theme and Idea " and the demo seminar on the topic: " Eternal theme, national theme, personal and life theme "  for    the 1st year students of 6B02306-Literary Studies major.  The theme and idea of a work of art, types of ideas, complexity of the topic, concepts of theoretical scientists were analyzed.  The students took an active part in the lecture, conducted in the form of questions and answers and  analysis. An overview of educational skills using the capabilities of digital technology was made by  the" critical thinking ".  The students were divided into groups by the method of" random distribution". To demonstrate the students’ creative skills the student teacher utilized gamification. Then  the learners   were given a free speech to analyze. The student teacher employed the Quest game to show the students’    interactivity and  creativity during this task. (The theme of the work, the idea, the types of headings, the characterization of the characters, the disclosure and analysis of the system of images were carried out). Using  dramatization  the students staged a performance based on SONGY PARYZ literary  work  by  Abdazhamil Nurpeisov. This method promotes the development of students ' creative abilities and contributes to better assimilation of the material. At the end of the lecture and the  seminar, students sent feedback by scanning a QR code on an interactive whiteboard using a smartphone. The lesson was successful and interesting.


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