As part of the Sustainable Development Goals under the theme “Education,” the Philosophy Department and the “Qadam” Cognitive-Philosophical Youth Club hosted an open lecture titled “What is Philosophy?”.

8 november, 2024

As part of the Sustainable Development Goals under the theme “Education,” the Philosophy Department and the “Qadam” Cognitive-Philosophical Youth Club hosted an open lecture titled “What is Philosophy?”. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Berik Atash, who offered in-depth insights into the role of philosophy in human history, its foundations, and its significance and place in daily life. He also explored philosophical methods, and key epistemological and gnoseological questions, emphasizing their relevance in today’s society.

Head of the Philosophy Department, Associate Professor Aset Quranbek, welcomed participants and congratulated them on the club’s opening, emphasizing that it aims to enhance students' cognitive skills and spark interest in philosophy. He highlighted that philosophy is not only an academic field but also an essential tool for expanding one’s perspective and for understanding life’s meaning and one’s place within society.

The club includes students not only from philosophy but from a wide range of disciplines. Since the club operates freely, openly, and on a voluntary basis, it allows individuals from various fields to share experiences and actively engage in discussions on philosophical issues. Students expressed enthusiasm for understanding complex philosophical questions and were interested in how philosophy might impact their personal and professional growth.

Throughout the event, students’ eagerness to explore philosophy, ask questions, and seek answers was particularly noticeable. Bringing together individuals from different specialties to discuss the relevance and role of philosophy in society will undoubtedly help them develop a philosophical perspective that they can apply in their respective fields in the future.