Research activities in the field of nuclear energy are intensifyingFarabi University

Research activities in the field of nuclear energy are intensifying

19 march, 2025

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the National Atomic Company "Kazatomprom" have signed a memorandum. The agreement was signed during a meeting between the Chairman of the Board – Rector of KazNU, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, and the Chief Production Director of JSC "NAC Kazatomprom" Kuanysh Omarbekov.

In the future, the parties will conduct joint research activities in the field of nuclear energy, develop educational programs, and train qualified personnel. Additionally, scientific conferences and symposiums are planned to be held. As part of the agreement, KazNU students will have the opportunity to undergo internships at "Kazatomprom".


During the meeting, the university leader, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, presented the scientific infrastructure of KazNU and discussed the plans for future work.

"I participated in the fourth session of the National Kurultai. At the meeting, the Head of State noted that three nuclear power plants will be built in the country. As part of today's memorandum, we will prepare the necessary specialists for the nuclear industry. This is crucial for the future. KazNU places special emphasis on activating partnerships with national companies", - said the rector.

In his speech, the General Director of the company, Kuanysh Omarbekov, expressed his gratitude to the university’s leadership and staff for the warm welcome and supported all initiatives aimed at expanding cooperation.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the parties agreed on further systematic collaboration and exchanged souvenirs.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University