Local ethical committee
The Local ethical Committee of the Kazakh National University was established on the basis of the ethical Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health in 2020 and was registered with the U.S. Office for Human Research (IRB00010790 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University IRB #1).
The history of the creation and operation of the LEK
The Local Ethical Committee of the Kazakh National University was established on the basis of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health in 2020 and was registered with the U.S. Office for Human Research (IRB00010790 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University IRB #1). In 2016, at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare, it was decided to create an Ethics Committee on the basis of the faculty. During this time, over 40 research projects have been reviewed, both by international organizations and employees, doctoral students and undergraduates of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In the summer of 2018, the Ethics Committee was included in the structure of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare.
The center "Local Ethical Committee" was organized in October 2020 at the Department of Research and Innovation Activity. The updated regulation on LEK was approved by the Order of the Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 2022. The creation of the Local Ethical Committee of the University was conditioned by the need to ensure an independent assessment, consultation and approval of the ethics of scientific research conducted by employees and students of the university, as well as organizations with various forms of ownership and individuals.
The main composition of the LEK is represented by: the chairman of the LEK (director of the Center) and the secretary of the LEK. In addition, the LEK includes representatives of the scientific and civil society on a permanent and temporary basis.
LEK meetings are held 2-3 times a month, every Thursday, depending on the number of applications from applicants.
LEK participates in events organized by DRIA and DTCSP, in particular, to conduct consulting and explanatory work for doctoral students during the orientation week, as well as individual and group consultations on request.
The purpose of the Local Ethical Committee:
Conducting an independent assessment, identifying violations and eliminating them in the process of planning, evaluating, selecting, conducting and distributing research results, including protecting the rights, safety and well-being of research objects (wildlife and habitat objects), as well as serious and unexpected adverse events or other complications that pose a risk to subjects and objects of research, and advising and making conclusions on planned scientific research.
Tasks of the Local Ethical Committee:
- Conducting an independent ethical assessment of the protocol, tools and other research materials involving wildlife (people, animals, plants, and the environment).
- Assessment of the scientific validity of conducting research involving living objects and the expected effectiveness and safety of the studied technologies, medicines, tools and methods of obtaining data.
- Assessment of the compliance of the research program (design, randomization method, etc.), the qualification of researchers, and the technical equipment of the research center with the relevant rules in the case of clinical trials (Good Clinical Practice (GCP)) and non-clinical studies.
- Regular supervision and monitoring of the progress of the study after receiving approval for its conduct.
- Conducting group and individual consultations and seminars on the bioethics and ethics of scientific research.
- Notifying researchers and other stakeholders of serious adverse reactions or potential risks to study participants.
- Providing training for members of the Local Ethics Committee on the bioethics and ethics of scientific research.
Functions of the Local Ethical Committee:
The Local Ethical Committee reviews and evaluates the research protocol, information for the participant and the form of informed consent, the professional experience of researchers, research centers, and other documents for compliance with human rights, principles of fairness, usefulness, confidentiality and non-harm to participants. The application review period is up to 30 days, depending on the complexity of the application.
1. Application addressed to the Chairman of the LEC (the file “PhD_Application_for_Defense” is attached)
2. Abstract/annotation of the dissertation in three languages
3. Resumes of doctoral students and her/his supervisors (in free format)
4. Completed form of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the language of defense (the file “Form_MSHE_PhD_defence” is attached)
A scanned copy of the application and additional documents should be sent to the email address: leckaznu@gmail.com
1. Application addressed to the Chairman of the LEC (the file “PhD_Application_for_Research” is attached)
2. Research protocol (file “Template_of_Research_Protocol_PhD” is attached)
3. Resumes of doctoral students and supervisors (free format)
4. Tools for conducting research (for example, questionnaires, guides for researchers, topic guides)
5. Information for study participants
6. Informed consent form for study participants
7. Completed MES form in the language in which the defense is planned (the file “Form_MSHE_PhD_research” is attached)
A scanned copy of the application and additional documents should be sent to the email address: leckaznu@gmail.com
*Documents listed in paragraphs 5 and 6 are necessary for those studies where people are planned to be participants in the study and primary data will be collected directly (interviews, questionnaires, etc.).
In addition, if during the research or field work a PhD student will make changes into the research protocol, or there will be changes in the wording of the topic of the dissertation, or if there will be a replacement of the scientific supervisor/supervisors, a PhD student is obliged to inform the LEC of KazNU about this by submitting of the appropriate application and attaching necessary additional documents (for example, an updated protocol or description of changes, or updated tools, etc.).
LEC approval has a certain validity period, therefore, if the unforeseen circumstances occurred that create obstacles to complete their work in time, the doctoral student must apply for an extension of approval.
Application samples:
1. To make changes to the research protocol (File “Application_PhD_Student_change of Protocol”)
2. To change the topic of dissertation research (File “Application_PhD_Student_change of Dissertation_Title”)
3. To replace the supervisor (File “Application_PhD_Student_change_Supervisor”)
4. To renew the approval of the LEC (File “Application_PhD_Student_prolongation_LEC_Approval")
A scanned copy of the application and additional documents should be sent to the email address: leckaznu@gmail.com
1. Application addressed to the Chairman of the LEC (File “sample application_researcher_beginning”)
2. Study protocol (free format)
3. Summary of the scientific supervisors of the project
4. Tools for conducting research (for example, questionnaires, guides for researchers, topic guides)
5. Information sheet for study participants
6. Informed consent form for study participants
*Documents listed in paragraphs. 5 and 6 are necessary for those studies where people are planned to be participants in the study and primary data collection will be carried out (interviews, questionnaires, etc.)
A scanned copy of the application and additional documents should be sent to the email address: leckaznu@gmail.com
In cases where researchers have made changes in the protocol during their work, or there has been a change in the wording of the research topic, the main researcher is obliged to inform the LEC of KazNU about this by filling out the appropriate application and attaching the necessary documents (for example, an updated protocol or a description of the changes, or updated tools, etc.).
Application samples:
1. To make changes to the research protocol (File “Sample application_for_researcher_for_changes_to_protocol”)
2. To change the research topic (File “Sample_ application_researcher_to_change_topic”)
3. To extend the approval of the study (File “Sample application_researcher_for extension”)
A scanned copy of the application and additional documents should be sent to the email address: leckaznu@gmail.com
1. Application addressed to the Chairman of the LEC
2. Research protocol
3. Resumes of Master student students and his/her supervisor ( in free format)
4. Tools for conducting research (for example, questionnaires, guides for researchers, topic guides)
5. Information for study participants
6. Informed consent form for study participants
7. Completed MSHE form in the language in which the defense is planned
A scanned copy of the application and additional documents should be sent to the email address: leckaznu@gmail.com
*Documents listed in paragraphs 5 and 6 are necessary for those studies where people are planned to be participants in the study and primary data will be collected directly (interviews, questionnaires, etc.).
In addition, if during the research or field work a Manster student will make changes into the research protocol, or there will be changes in the wording of the topic of the dissertation, or if there will be a replacement of the scientific supervisor/supervisors, the Master student is obliged to inform the LEC of KazNU about this by submitting of the appropriate application and attaching necessary additional documents (for example, an updated protocol or description of changes, or updated tools, etc.).
LEC approval has a certain validity period, therefore, if the unforeseen circumstances occurred that create obstacles to complete their work in time, the doctoral student must apply for an extension of approval.
Application samples:
1. To make changes to the research protocol (File “Application_Master_Student_change of Protocol”)
2. To change the topic of dissertation research (File “Application_Master_Student_change of Dissertation_Title”)
3. To replace the supervisor (File “Application_Master_Student_change_Supervisor”)
4. To renew the approval of the LEC (File “Application_Master_Student_prolongation_LEC_Approval")
A scanned copy of the application and additional documents should be sent to the email address: leckaznu@gmail.com