The presentation of the first translated books was held in the Department of Indology

25 april, 2024

At the Department of the Middle East and South Asia of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on April 24, 2024, on the basis of “Quality Education” within the framework of the “Sustainable Development Goals” program, a presentation of the first translated and published books of works by famous Indian writers from Hindi into Kazakh by the Department of Indology took place.

Indian literature is of great importance due to its rich cultural and historical heritage and covers a wide range of literary genres, including ancient works such as the Vedas and Upanishads, classical epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata, as well as modern works by famous authors such as Rabindranath Tagore, R. K. Narayan and Arundhati Roy.

In addition, Indian literature has provided a broad understanding of the social, religious and philosophical beliefs of the Indian people over the centuries and has served as a means of preserving and transmitting traditional values, folklore and wisdom from generation to generation.

The importance of Indian literature lies in its ability to reflect the essence of Indian culture, values and identity, which makes it an integral part of the world’s literary heritage.

The Department of Indology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is a unique institution in the country for the training of orientalists in the field of South Asian region. In this regard, in order to familiarize domestic readers with literary works written in Hindi, 2-nd year undergraduate student of the Department of Indology Abilmazhinova Zarina Armanovna, translated from Hindi into Kazakh, works of  Razipuram Krishnaswami Narayan “Grandmother’s stories: The Era of Early Marriage” and Mani Shankar Mukherjee “Indian Folk Tales”.

The event was attended by the Consul General of the Representative Office of the Embassy of India in Almaty Mr. Swapnil Kothawade, Head of the World Literature Service of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tuyakova Salima Toktasynovna, Honored Figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, cultural activist, Director of the “Center for Indian Classical Dance and Yoga Almaty-Kazakhstan” Kainazarova Akmaral Eleusinovna, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Yem Natalia Borisovna, Senior lecturer of the Department of the ME and SA, indologist Iskakova Zaure Yerenovna, Head of the Department Indology, PhD Ismagulova Symbat Absamatovna, as well as the head of the Department of the ME and SA Kokeyeva Dariga Moldagaliyevna, and the teaching staff and students of the department.


Senior Lecturer of the Middle East and South Asia Department,

Meruyert Pernekulova