Farabi University

The Faculty of Philology

The Faculty of Philology which was founded by the greatest people of our nation, M. Auezov, A. Margulan, B. Kenzhebaev, M. Balakaev has a rich history and long-standing traditions. The faculty has been existing since 1937. Mukhtar Auezov, the academician, the writer and the classic of Kazakh literature whose literary works are well-known around the world had been working at the faculty for about 30 years. The prominent scholars and academicians worked at the faculty in different periods of time. They are the academician and the writer Zeinolla Kabdolov, Tursinbek Kakishev, Rymgaly Nurgaly, Kaken Ahanov, Hairolla Mahmudov, Maiya Bagyzbaeva, Talgat Sairambaev, Alma Kiraubaeva. These people are considered brilliant teachers who we respect and will always remember. Myrzatay Zholdasbekov, Abish Kekilbaev, Nurlan Orazalin, Ualihan Kalizhanuly, Zhanseit Tuimebaev, Aldan Smail who graduated our faculty have become influential public figures in our country . The faculty is always proud of the writers who graduated the faculty and occupied the honored place in Kazakh literature and culture. Among these distinguished graduates of our faculty we can also mention the following names: Abdizhamal Nurpeisov, Azilhan Nurshaikov, Mukhtar Magauin, Kabdesh Zhumadilov, Kadir Myrza-Ali, Tumanbay Moldagaliev, Dulat Isabekov, Beksultan Nurzhekeev.


Dzholdasbekova Bayan Umirbekovna

+7 (727) 377-33-39(1322)

Faculty Address: pr.al-Farabi 71, Corpus GUK1

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