Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
The Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology is a large scientific and educational center, participates in the training of highly qualified specialists in demand in the production and business structures of Kazakhstan and abroad. The Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, has 90 years of experience in the training of a specialist in biology. There are state and public figures among graduates of the Faculty, as well as business representatives who actively participate in the development of educational programs, practical training of students, and are provided with practical bases. Graduates of the faculty work in Kazakhstani and foreign research institutes; in the field of pharmacology and criminology; at the largest industrial enterprises of the country; in medical centers; In educational centers; in educational institutions.

Kurmanbayeva Meruyert, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Meruyert.kurmanbayeva@kaznu.edu.kz
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050040, al-Farabi Ave., 71, Main Educational Building 6, 209-Dean's office
Dear friends!
Welcome to the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. The Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology is the oldest in the university, which has been founded since the foundation of the Kazakh State University in 1934. At present, in accordance with the ongoing scientific research, modern educational programs for the training of specialists, the faculty is called the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology.
Today, it is a major innovative scientific and educational center with two Scientific Research Institutions (SRI): SRI of Issues in Biology and Biotechnology and SRI of Issues in Ecology, where fundamental and applied research on numerous directions of modern biology, ecology, biotechnology, biomedicine are being done, involving both teachers and students.
The Faculty has four departments:
- Department of Biodiversity and Biological Resources,
- Department of Biotechnology,
- Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics,
- Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscieces,
as well as Biological Clinics and Agrobiological Center.
There is also Biological Museum, one of the important subdivisions of the Faculty, with more than 5000 copies of stuffed carcasses, endemic and rare species are being unique objects of research. At present, more than 1500 students, undergraduates and PhD students study and work at the Faculty. A highly qualified teaching staff are busy training biologists, biotechnologists, and fishery specialist. Masters and PhD students are being trained in some leading universities and research centers all over the world.
Prominent scientists and leading experts from the Institutions of the National Academy of Sciences in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as employers, also take part in training the students. The Faculty has trained nearly 15000 specialists in different areas of the biological science, working in research institutions, industry, institutions of higher and secondary education of our Republic, as well as in countries of near and far abroad: Harvard, Texas, Virginia universities of the USA, Universities in France, Canada, the UK, Germany, and Russia. There are state and public figures among graduates of the Faculty, as well as business representatives who actively participate in the development of educational programs, practical training of students, and are provided with practical bases.
Due to the active international cooperation with some leading scientific centers and universities, the teaching stuff creates real opportunities for academic mobility. The students are able to study at foreign universities for 1-2 semesters and as a result of a successful implementation of training programs can get a double diploma of both al-Farabi KazNU and foreign university. All the teachers and students of our Faculty are constantly improving their language skills. Every year more than 30 scientists from foreign universities come to deliver lectures and conduct master classes on modern trends of biology and biotechnology.
All the students, are engaged in research and most of them receive scholarships and have a good opportunity to take part in scientific workshops at different international conferences.
Dear applicants and those who are interested in gaining a prestigious education providing a stable career, we are looking forward to You at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology.
Welcome to a fascinating student life full of exciting events!
Bachelor's degree programs
The program is aimed at the formation of a Bachelor of natural Sciences with practical skills and competencies in the field of biology, able to work in research, environmental protection, sanitary-epidemiological and other institutions.
The objectives of the educational program in the specialty "Biomedicine" are to prepare a highly qualified bachelor in the field of biomedicine, who owns a modern methodology of scientific research and skills to work on modern equipment for biology, medicine, biotechnology and other industries
High-quality training of specialists for research and diagnostic institutions and manufacturing enterprises capable of assessing the current state, problems and prospects for the development of biotechnology; determine the needs of society in biotechnological products, solve professional problems in the field of biotechnology, formulate production tasks in a professional language and implement them using modern technologies
High-quality training of specialists for research, diagnostic institutions and manufacturing enterprises. The implementation of the educational program is aimed at the formation of the personality of a specialist capable to: solve professional problems in the field of microbiology, to identify microorganisms in laboratory and working conditions; characterize microorganisms-pests of various industries and use methods to combat them; use the information and communication technologies necessary for the work; plan the experimental work in compliance with all microbiological safety standards; form a personal educational trajectory.
The program is aimed at training a competitive specialist with theoretical knowledge in general and molecular genetics and practical skills in genetic research performance in the field and laboratory conditions.
to form professional competencies of high-quality specialist training for research institutions and industrial enterprises. These specialists are involved in the creation of instruments and equipment, in the development of new procedures based on interdisciplinary knowledge, in research aimed at obtaining new information to solve new problems. The implementation of the educational program is aimed to form the personality of a specialist capable to: solve professional problems in the field of biological engineering, based on knowledge of the structure of basic biological macromolecules, biotechnological processes; use the basic concepts of probability and statistics; statistical methods and probability distribution schemes associated with bioengineering data; develop promising and innovative biomedical technologies aimed at creating diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic medical and veterinary drugs; use basic image processing technologies, design and analyze diagnostic and visualized measuring systems; build a personal educational trajectory
The purpose of the educational program is aimed at training competitive, qualified specialists with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of fisheries, fluent in methods of fisheries research in field and laboratory conditions, capable of performing practical tasks in the field of fisheries, fisheries, hydrobiology, ichthyology and other professional fields of fisheries.
To train competitive specialists in the field of neuroscience, guided by moral and ethical principles in their professional activities and possessing professional competencies that meet the requirements of employers carrying out professional activities in the scientific, medical and socio-industrial spheres, governmental and business structures based on modern concepts and methods of neuroscience from the perspective of interdisciplinary neuroscientific approaches in conducting research and applied works on the development of safe and effective artificial intelligence technologies, the development of diagnostic algorithms in the study of brain functions in health and disease, capable of planning and running neurotrainings for organizations, to determine effective strategies in neuroscience.
Training of highly qualified specialists with high-quality theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of aquaculture, artificial fish breeding and aquatic biological resources
Master's degree educational programs
Training of highly qualified specialists with a system of knowledge in biology, pedagogy, psychology, with a holistic view of modern achievements in the natural sciences to work as a teacher in the educational field and a researcher in educational and scientific centers
Quality training of interdisciplinary specialists in the field of biomedicine, capable of successfully competing in external and internal labor markets and independently integrating knowledge of biology and related scientific fields in the context of their own scientific research
The program is aimed at forming the personality of a competitive qualified specialist who is able to critically assess his advantages and disadvantages, as well as to implement a management system for biotechnological products in accordance with the requirements of Kazakhstani and international quality standards.
The program aims to train a competitive general and molecular genetics specialist with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in conducting genetic research to solve scientific and practical problems in biology, medicine, biotechnology, agriculture and ecology
Тraining highly qualified specialists with both personal and professional competencies, as well as deep knowledge in biology, geography, ecology, and geobotany; promotes the active implementation and application of acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities in research institutes and laboratories, government agencies and environmental organizations, and educational institutions
The program is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of general and molecular genetics, proficient in modern molecular genetic methods, digital technologies and data analysis methods, capable of solving applied problems in genetics, biology, biotechnology, ecology and forensics and in other areas of professional activity requiring knowledge and skills of an IT-genetics specialist
The program is aimed at training highly qualified biologists with professional and personal competencies, research and analytical skills, fundamental knowledge in the field of general biology,ecology, biomedicine, biotechnology, which will allow them to effectively implement and apply their knowledge and skills in research, environmental protection , medical, sanitary and epidemiological, agricultural, educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises
High-quality training of specialists for research institutes and food production. The implementation of the educational program is aimed at shaping the personality of a specialist capable of: • solve professional problems, production tasks in the field of food biotechnology using modern methods and technologies; • apply enzymatic and microbiological processes, methods of genetic engineering in food technologies, • to control production using new research methods of food combinatorics; • assess the current state of food safety; conduct quality control of raw materials and finished food products; •
The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified specialists with deep theoretical and practical knowledge, professional and scientific competencies and skills, who are able to independently perform all types of production, research and teaching activities to meet the needs of science, education and production in the field of aquaculture and aquatic biological resources
Educational programs of doctoral studies
High-quality training of personnel capable of solving the most important problems of cell biology, highly qualified specialists in the field of biological sciences.
Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of higher qualification in the field of biomedicine, capable of solving modern scientific and practical problems in the field of natural sciences and biomedicine, to carry out research, management and teaching activities in higher educational institutions
Qualitative training of an interdisciplinary specialist of the highest qualification in the field of biophysics, able to interpret the basic principles of modern natural science and biophysics; possessing a modern scientific research methodology and skills to work on modern scientific biomedical experimental equipment, able to systematize and interpret scientific theories and concepts of the newest areas of biophysics and biology with the aim of further applying this knowledge in the implementation of the dissertation research and ready to carry out independent scientific research based on an adequate description object of study, the choice of methodology with a projection on the development of promising The innovative directions biophysicist. A biophysicist is able to assess and determine the significance of a particular product of his or other scientific activity, to reasonably represent and defend his own scientific opinion in scientific discussions using their working language; ready to participate in the development of modern theoretical and experimental research methods in order to create new promising tools and to organize work on the practical use and implementation of their results.
The goal of the educational program is to prepare highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the international labor market and who meet the modern demands of science, education, management and production; with comprehensive knowledge in the field of biotechnology and related sciences
Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel with critical thinking and deep knowledge in genetics, molecular biology and genomics, capable of teaching and independently conducting interdisciplinary research, developing new genetic technologies and diagnostic methods for use in various fields of genetics, biology, medicine and agriculture.
The program is aimed at training geobotanists for various fields of economic activity, achieving high quality postgraduate professional and pedagogical education while complying with mandatory requirements for the level of training of doctoral students, stimulating independent educational, research and professional activities of doctoral students
training of highly qualified specialists with professional and scientific competencies and skills, capable of independently performing all types of research and teaching activities in the scope of their professional activities to meet the needs of science, education and production in the field of fisheries and agro–industrial complex
Подготовка высококвалифицированных, конкурентоспособных на международном рынке труда научных кадров в области нейронауки, обладающих универсальными и предметно–специализированными компетенциями, отвечающими запросам глобального рынка труда, осуществляющих научно-исследовательскую, практическую, экспертно-аналитическую деятельность в интегративной нейронауке, разработки и безопасности нейротехнологий в сферах науки, экономики, здравоохранения, национальной безопасности и образования на основе современной методологии междисциплинарного подхода; способных организовывать оригинальные исследования, вносящие значимый вклад в развитие мировой нейронауки, интегрироваться в международное научное сообщество, несущих морально-этическую ответственность за научные исследования, содействующих технологическому прогрессу и социально-культурному развитию общества. The purpose of the educational program To train highly qualified, competitive scientific personnel on the international labor market in the field of neuroscience, possessing universal and subject-specialized competencies that meet the demands of the global labor market, carrying out research, practical, expert-analytical activities in integrative neuroscience, development and safety of neurotechnologies in the fields of science, economics, health care, state security and education based on the modern methodology of an interdisciplinary approach; capable of organizing original research, making a significant contribution to the development of the world neuroscience, integrating into the international scientific community bearing moral and ethical responsibility for scientific research, contributing to technological progress and socio-cultural development of society.
Training of scientific-pedagogical and industrial-managerial specialists with high qualifications, professional competence in the field of virology to solve urgent problems in medicine, agriculture, veterinary medicine, ecology and various industries
Educational programs
Bachelor: at the adress 71 al-Farabi ave., Almaty,
SSC "Keremet",
tel. +7 727 377 33 30.
In.: 1000
Мaster's and PhD degree: at the adress 71 al-Farabi ave., Almaty
SSC "Keremet",
tel. +7 727 377 33 30 - Admissions Office
In.: 1000