Farabi University

Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

The Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology is a large scientific and educational center, participates in the training of highly qualified specialists in demand in the production and business structures of Kazakhstan and abroad. The Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, has 90 years of experience in the training of a specialist in biology. There are state and public figures among graduates of the Faculty, as well as business representatives who actively participate in the development of educational programs, practical training of students, and are provided with practical bases. Graduates of the faculty work in Kazakhstani and foreign research institutes; in the field of pharmacology and criminology; at the largest industrial enterprises of the country; in medical centers; In educational centers; in educational institutions.


Kurmanbayeva Meruyert, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Meruyert.kurmanbayeva@kaznu.edu.kz

+7 (727) 377-33-34, 12-01, 8(707) 110 44 39

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050040, al-Farabi Ave., 71, Main Educational Building 6, 209-Dean's office

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